Who We Are

Our Mission
Our mission is to help homeless and low-income families in Hawai’i achieve sustainable independence by mobilizing existing community resources and support.
Our Vision
An Oʻahu where vulnerable families have equitable access to housing.
Core Values
We treat all people in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences, and cultural and ethnic diversity. We promote families' self-determination. We seek to enhance families' capacity and opportunity to change and address their own needs.
We believe every family deserves a home and therefore accept families as they are.
Our Impact
Changing Lives
Since 2006, we have provided shelter, case management, rental assistance, homelessness prevention, meals, and stabilization services to over 6,000 family members.
Keeping Families Together
We believe families should stay together — not be separated — during the most difficult times in their lives.
Achieving Success
More than 80% of families in our shelter program secure housing because of our intensive case management and community support. Once families secure housing, 95% retain their housing.
Engaging Volunteers
We mobilize more than 500 dedicated volunteers annually who make a tremendous difference in families’ lives—and in the community.
Committed to Transparency
As a trusted community organization, FPH is committed to transparency. Recent Form 990 tax returns and audits are linked below.
Previous years are available on ProPublica and by request. Please email info@familypromisehawaii.org.