Working, Attaining, Achieving
Increase your financial knowledge, gain job skills, and grow your savings!
About WA‘A
This program is currently being offered to families attending our Keiki and Parent Nights. Check back for more updates!
The WA‘A (Working, Attaining, Achieving) program is for those who want to improve their job skills and increase their financial understanding.
The WA‘A program is modeled after the Hawaiian outrigger canoe, wa‘a, which requires a strong and resilient lead (the program participant) to set the destination and tone for their journey as well as a competent and agile crew (program staff and trainers) who work closely together to reach long-distance goals.
We’re grateful to be part of the 2022-24 ALICE® Cohort presented by Aloha United Way and Hawai‘i Community Foundation.
If you have any questions about the program,
call 808-300-0560 or email info@familypromisehawaii.org.

Support our program participants
Your tax-deductible gift will help put families on a pathway to financial stability and sustainable independence. If you have any questions about financially supporting the program, email info@familypromisehawaii.org.